Advanced Computer Architecture (Fall 2021)
ECE6100/ECE4100/CS4290/CS6290 B
Course Staff
Instructor: Prof. Cong (Callie) Hao ​​
Office Hours & Location: TBD
Teaching Assistant(s):
Course Overview
This course is a study of the evolution of computer architecture and the factors influencing the design of hardware and software elements of computer systems
Topics may include:
Instruction set design
Processor micro-architecture and pipelining
Cache and virtual memory organizations
In-order and out-of-order superscalar architectures
VLIW machines
Vector supercomputers and GPU basic
Multithreaded architectures
Symmetric multiprocessors
Memory models and synchronization
Modern domain-specific accelerators, languages, and compilers
FPGA basic
Undergraduate computer architecture course that covers basic computer organization: instruction sets, basic caching, pipelining, etc. (CS2200 or ECE3057). It may be beneficial to refresh your knowledge on these topics before taking this course. The course has a significant project component that heavily relies on C/C++ programming. You need to be familiar with C/C++ and Linux.
Course Material
There is no required textbook for this course, but we strongly recommend Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach by John Hennessy and David Patterson, 5th Edition, Morgan Kauffman, 2012.
Recommended readings will be provided later.
Labs: 35%
Lab 1: 5%
Lab 2: 10%
Lab 3: 10%
Lab 4: 10%
Homework: 4%
HW 1: 2%
HW 2: 2%
Exams: 60%
Midterm I: 20%
Midterm II: 20%
Final: 20%
Participation: 1%
Course Schedule
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm, Tuesday & Thursday
Klaus 2447